Club Background
Norwich City Hockey Club was founded in 1990 when two of the major hockey clubs within Norwich (England), Norfolk Wanderers (formed in 1930) and Norwich Grasshoppers (formed in 1903), decided to merge in order to improve and promote hockey in and around Norwich. A number of years after Norwich City was founded the men merged with one of the major ladies clubs within Norwich, Norwich Argonauts.
Norwich City Hockey Club has seven mens' teams playing at various league standards and a men's and ladies' veterans team. It also has seven ladies' teams playing in a variety of leagues, a number of colts and junior sides promoting junior hockey at all ages, a mixed side playing against a number of other local sides and successfully representing the club at a number of national mixed tournaments throughout the year. Finally there is The Norfolk Pies social and touring team, combining players from a wide range of our ladies and mens teams, all playing midweek evenings and have been known to travel away to play at a number of hockey festivals during the summer months.
This is Norwich City Hockey Club's official internet site. It was originally created in February 1997 and since then has continued to be developed in order to provide all the latest information about the club. It is regularly changed throughout the season to provide the results of all the sides within the club and also to inform viewers about the forthcoming club events. Hopefully you will enjoy what you see and this should give you a way of keeping up to date with what is going on throughout the club. Our website has now become the central membership and administration system that helps with the running of the club, keeping in touch with past, present and future members, managing weekly team selections, gathering member availability through to handling the club financial activities. Should you have any comments or suggestions please forward them on.
New members, of all ages and standards, are always very welcome. We provide numerous sessions through the year, both on and off season, targetted at a wide range of age groups and abilities, whether you are new to the sport, coming back after a period of time not playing or just looking for a new challenge at a new club, then Norwich City Hockey Club can accomodate all.
Get in touch with us to find out more about our club by sending an email to enquiries@norwichcityhc.co.uk